Welcome dear one,

My name is Aubry, I’m an Intuitive Guide and honored to share my heart and gifts with you. 

I help you see beyond the physical and retrieve information from where it may be hiding in the past, future or deep within your own psyche. I share visions and images that help others to understand themselves and begin to have their own powerful experiences with their intuition.

What is an Intuition Activation Session?

During a session I drop into a deep state of listening from my intuition and help you bring through the information from your energetic and intuitive self that you may be having a hard time hearing on your own.

Often the messages we discover together will bring a deep sense of relief to your entire being. A full body yes as you begin to remember your power and receive clear and concise information that will connect you back to your knowing and provide a way forward.

During a session you may receive images or visions, bring through past life memories. We can clear your energetic field or connect you with loved ones that have passed on.

Past Clients



Upgrade Your Intuition.


Do you feel deep in your soul that you have a calling, a reason for being here on this planet, at this exact time in history?


Perhaps you are being called to serve in a bigger way, yet you feel stuck, burned out or simply don’t know the next steps to take in order to live out your life’s purpose?

The second I started reading the opening pages of Activate Your Light, an energetic “YES!” reverberated through my body
— Rabbi Jessica K. Marshall, founder of Sacred Lifecycle Rituals